Are You Ready To Join The Summer Blogging Challenge?
Blogging. You know it’s good for your business. You know what it could be – a way for you to express your thoughts and ideas, to demonstrate your brand through words, a place to share your unique and fresh ideas, to educate and inspire and to attract clients.
Perhaps you started a blog – you did a post or two. Maybe you post every few weeks or months, but it hasn’t been tended to in awhile, and now it’s gathering dust in the darkest parts of the internet, unseen, sad and lonely.
Or maybe the idea of getting started is so overwhelming you keep stopping your writing to organize your paperclips.
Never fear! The Summer Business Blogging Challenge is here to give you structure and support to revive and inspire your lonely little blog!
During the Summer Business Blogging Challenge July 18th - September 8th you will:
Write 8 blog posts
Establish an editorial calendar that will set you up for the next two to three months so that you don’t have to face the paralyzing question, “What should I write about?”
Schedule time with yourself each week to create amazing content.
Understand how to generate unique, original topic ideas that inspiring for you to write and for your community to read, and ways to create effective content quickly and easily.
Share two blog posts each week from fellow challengers with engaging conversation starters to your audience.
You'll get my own social media sharing strategy that has significantly increase my business following the visibility, credibility and profitability formula.
Get the clarity and confidence to put yourself out there in a way that is very personal and in your voice that could attract prospective clients and joint venture partners.
Be part of a likeminded community of dedicated entrepreneurs who will support your challenges and celebrate your successes. We will share best practices, comment on one another’s blogs and share each other’s content.
Plus, throughout the week, I’ll feature your work on my own social media from Facebook, to LinkedIn and Twitter to show off your thought leadership and boos your readership!
You must commit to:
One blog post each week for 8 weeks.
Sharing at least two additional blogs posts each week on your social media channels.
Participate in The Profit Lab and let us know the link to your post as well as whose content you shared.
How much time do I need to commit to this?
You'll hate me - but here's the truth. It depends. Some folks can crank out content, others it takes more time. What I do know is that you will want to calendar at least one hour to write each week - how much you create there is up to you. AND 20 minutes to share read and then share content from other challengers.
What does it cost?
Nothing - it's free. And - when you commit - I expect you to keep your word and participate, as will everyone else.
What if I don't have a "big" following can I still participate?
I'm going to be on vacation through part of this can I still participate?
This is up to you. If you can keep both pieces of the commitment. Your commitment to create content and your commitment to share content of other challengers then yes, if you don't think so, then this probably isn't the right time for you.
Can I do video blogs as well?
For sure! Mix it up, it will be fun!
Can I use this to promote my upcoming class or webinar?
No. This content should be seperate from any promotional blogging you are doing.
Ready to join us July 18th-September 8th?
Sign up today and it’s totally FREE here:
Registration Closes Wednesday, July 13th at Midnight